Items where Author is "Herianto, Topan"

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Number of items: 68.


Herianto, Topan (2018) Paraffin Problem Treating Along The Flowline (Study Case: From Wellhead “X” To The Separator”. Sinergi, 22 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1410-2331

Herianto, Topan (2018) Optimization of Hydraulic Horsepower to Predict the Rate of Penetration. American Journal of Physics and Applications, 6. pp. 63-75. ISSN 2330-4286

Herianto, Topan (2018) Determination of Hydrocarbon Zones Using Logging Data Analysis in A Sandstone Reservoir (Case Study Structure 'TL' Basin North West Java). Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 5 (3). pp. 251-263. ISSN 355-9306

Herianto, Topan (2018) Economic Analysis of Data Engineering On Production Sharing Contract Case Study Field "A". Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Gas Field Project Analysis with Wells and Compressor. International Journal of Science and Engineering.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing Stimulation on Sand Stone Formation. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. ISSN 2278-0211

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analysis of Offshore Drilling's Vertical Load Using Semi-Submersible Rig. Journal of Subsea and Offshore, 12. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2442-6415

Herianto, Topan (2013) Pemanfaatan Arang Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Light Weight Additive Semen Pemboran. Jurnal Ilmu Kebumian “TEKNOLOGI MINERAL” Vol. 24, No. 4, September-Desember 2011, 24 (4). pp. 86-95. ISSN 0854 – 2554

Herianto, Topan (2008) Perencanaan Re Perforasi dan Side Tracking untuk Peningkatan Produksi Pada Sumur-Sumur Lapangan Minyak Tua. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian 2008. pp. 88-106.

Herianto, Topan (2008) Perhitungan Biaya Investasi Pemboran Pada Pengembangan Lapangan Migas. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian 2008. pp. 64-87.

Herianto, Topan (2008) Perhitungan Kapasitas Rig yang Diperlukan Pada Suatu Rencana Operasi Pemboran Migas. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian 2008. pp. 107-148.

Herianto, Topan (2005) Effects of Additives and Conditioning Time on Compressive and Shear Bond Strengths of Geothermal Well Cement. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2005.

A Samsuri, Samsuri and Herianto, Topan (2004) Comparison Of Sandstone Mechanic Properties Using Acoustic Test And Direct Uniaxial Test. Proceedings: Vol II, 18th Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers 2004, 2. 4-89-4-95.

Conference or Workshop Item

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analisa Well Integerity Pada Penyebab Terjadinya Kick dan Penanggulangannya Studi Kasus Sumur "TWG-001". In: Seminar Nasional Kebumian XII Fakultas Teknologi Mineral UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, 14 September 2017, Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan and Bintarto, Bambang and Ratnaningsih, Dyah Rini and Muttaqin, Zaki (2016) Shortcut of Permeability Prediction Rock Typing The Facies Association in Fluvial-Delta Environment. In: International Conference on Intergrated Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences, 15 - 17 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Ratnaningsih, Dyah Rini and Bintarto, Bambang and Herianto, Topan and Muttaqin, Zaki (2016) The Applied Rock Typing Study: The Link Between Lithofacies Attribute And Pore Geometry-Structure. In: International Conference on Intergrated Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences (ICIPEG 2016), 15 - 17 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Herianto, Topan (2015) Analisa Kegagalan Penanggulangan Kick Dan Terjadinya Underground Blowout Pada Sumur Eksplorasi X. In: Proceedings SEmnas Kebumian X tahun 015, 18-19 November 2015, Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan (2015) Analisa Swelling Clay Formasi Telisa Untuk Perencanaan Lumpur Pemboran. In: Proceeding Semnas Kebumian X tahun 2015, 18-19 November 2015, Yogyakarta.

Samsuri, Ariffin and Herianto, Topan (2005) The Effect of Grain Size Distributions On Acoustic Wave Velocities In Porous Rocks. In: Proceedings the 8 Th International Conference of Quality in Research, 9-10 Agustus 2005, Depok Jakarta.


Herianto, Topan (2018) Economic Analysis of Data Engineering On Production Sharing Contract Case. International Knowledge Sharing Platform.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Gas Field Project Analysis with Wells and Compressor Investment Case Study of ID Field. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI).

Herianto, Topan (2018) Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing Stimulation on Sand Stone Formation. Globeedu Group.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Paraffin Problem Treating Along The Flowline (Study Case From Wellhead X To The Separator) Peer. Faculty of Engineering Universitas Mercu Buana. (Unpublished)

Herianto, Topan (2018) Determination of Hydrocarbon Zones Using Logging Data Analysis in A Sandstone Reservoir (Case Study Structure 'TL' Basin North West Java) (Peer Review). Indonesia Journal on Geoscience.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Determination of Hydrocarbon Zones Using Logging Data Analysis in A Sandstone Reservoir (Case Study: Structure 'TL' Basin North West Java. Indonesia Journal on Geoscience.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Economic Analysis of Data Engineering On Production Sharing Contract Case Study Field A (Peer Review). International Knowledge Sharing Platform.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Gas Field Project Analysis with Wells and Compressor Investment Case Study of ID Field (Peer Review). International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI).

Herianto, Topan (2018) Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing (Peer Review). Globeedu Group.

Herianto, Topan (2018) Optimization of Hydraulic Horsepower to Predict the Rate of Penetration (Peer Review). Science Publishing Group (sciencePG).

Herianto, Topan (2018) Paraffin Problem Treating Along The Flowline (Study Case From Wellhead “X” To The Separator” (Peer Review). Faculty of Engineering Universitas Mercu Buana.

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analysis of Offshore Drilling's Vertical Load Using (Peer). ISOMAse.

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analisa Well Integerity Pada Penyebab Terjadinya Kick dan Penanggulangannya Studi Kasus Sumur "TWG-001" (Peer). Seminar Nasional Kebumian XII.

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analisa Well Integerity pada Penyebab Terjadinya Kick dan Penanggulangannya Studi Kasus Sumur TGW-001 (Peer Review). FTM-UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan (2017) Analysis of Offshore Drilling's Vertical Load Using Semi-Submersible Rig (Peer Review). ISOMAse.

Rini Ratnaningsih, Dyah and Bintarto, Bambang and Herianto, Topan and Muttaqin, Zaki (2016) The Applied Rock Typing Study The Link Between Lithofacies Attribute And Pore Geometry-Structure (Peer Review). Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Herianto, Topan (2016) The Applied Rock Typing Study: The Link Between Lithofacies Attribute And Pore Geometry-Structure (Peer). International Conference Intergrated Petroleum Engineering & Geoscience.

Herianto, Topan and Bintarto, Bambang and Rini Ratnaningsih, Dyah and Muttaqin, Zaki (2016) Shortcut of Permeability Prediction Rock Typing The Facies Association in Fluvial-Delta Environment (Peer Review). International Conference Intergrated Petroleum Engineering & Geoscience.

Herianto, Topan (2016) Shortcut of Permeability Prediction Rock Typing The Facies Association in Fluvial-Delta Environment (Peer). International Conference Intergrated Petroleum Engineering & Geoscience.

Herianto, Topan (2015) Analisa Swelling Clay Formasi Telisa Untuk Perencanaan Lumpur Pemboran (Peer). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian X Tahun 2015.

Herianto, Topan (2015) Analisa Kegagalan Penanggulangan Kick dan Terjadinya Underground Blowout Pada Sumur Eksplorasi X (Peer). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian X Tahun 2015.

Herianto, Topan (2015) Analisa Kegagalan Penanggulangan Kick dan Terjadinya Underground Blowout Pada Sumur Eksplorasi X (Peer Review). FTM-UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan and Askeyanto, Djoko (2015) Analisa Swelling Clay Formasi Telisa Untuk Perencanaan Lumpur Pemboran (Peer Review). FTM-UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan (2013) Pemanfaatan Arang Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Light Weight Additive Semen Pemboran. Fakultas Mineral dan Teknologi UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan (2013) Pemanfaatan Arang Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Light Weight Additive Semen Pemboran (Peer Review). Fakultas Mineral dan Teknologi UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan (2005) The Effect of Grain Size Distributions On Acoustic Wave Velocities In Porous Rocks (Peer). Proceeding The 8th International Conference On Quality In Research (QIR).

Herianto, Topan (2005) Effects of Additives and Conditioning Time on Compressive and Shear Bond Strengths of Geothermal Well Cement (Peer Review). Procedding World Geothermal Congress.

Herianto, Topan (2005) Effects of Additives and Conditioning Time on Compressive and Shear Bond Strengths of Geothermal Well Cement (Peer). Procedding World Geothermal Congress.

Herianto, Topan (2004) Comparison Of Sandstone Mechanic Properties Using Acoustic Test And Direct Uniaxial Test (Peer). Proceedings: Vol II, 18th Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers 2004, Vol 2.

Herianto, Topan (2004) Petrophysics Study Of Sand Stone Core To The Accuracy Of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (Peer). Proceedings: Vol II, 18th Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers 2004, Vol 2.

Herianto, Topan Analisa Kegagalan Penanggulangan Kick dan Terjadinya Underground Blowout Pada Sumur Eksplorasi X (Similarity). Fakultas Teknologi Mineral UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan Analisa Swelling Clay Formasi Telisa Untuk Perencanaan Lumpur Pemboran (Similarity). Fakultas Teknologi Mineral UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.

Herianto, Topan Analisa Well Integerity Pada Penyebab Terjadinya Kick dan Penanggulangannya Studi Kasus Sumur TWG-001 (Similarity). Seminar Nasional Kebumian XII.

Herianto, Topan Analysis of Offshore Drilling's Vertical Load Using Semi-Submersible Rig (Similarity). Journal of Subsea and Offshore.

Herianto, Topan The Applied Rock Typing Study The Link Between Lithofacies Attribute And Pore Geometry-Structure (Similarity). International Conference Integrated Petroleum Engineering & Geo Science 2016.

Herianto, Topan Comparison Of Sandstone Mechanic Properties Using Acoustic Test And Direct Uniaxial Test (Similarity). Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers (SOMChe).

Herianto, Topan Determination of Hydrocarbon Zones Using Logging Data Analysis in A Sandstone Reservoir (Case Study: Structure 'TL' Basin North West Java) (Similarity). Geological Agency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Herianto, Topan Economic Analysis of Data Engineering On Production Sharing Contract Case (Similarity). Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development.

Herianto, Topan The Effect of Grain Size Distributions On Acoustic Wave Velocities In Porous Rocks (Similarity). Proceeding the 8th International Conference on Quality in Research (QIR).

Herianto, Topan Effects of Additives and Conditioning Time on Compressive and Shear Bond Strengths of Geothermal Well Cement (Similarity). Proceedings World Geothermal Congress.

Herianto, Topan Gas Field Project Analysis with Wells and Compressor Investment Case Study of ID Field (Similarity). International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations.

Herianto, Topan Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing Stimulation on Sand Stone Formation (Similarity). International Journal of Innovative Research & Development.

Herianto, Topan Optimization of Hydraulic Horsepower to Predict the Rate of Penetration (Peer). Science Publishing Group (sciencePG). (Unpublished)

Herianto, Topan Optimization of Hydraulic Horsepower to Predict the Rate of Penetration (Similarity). Science Publishing Group (sciencePG).

Herianto, Topan Optimization of Hydraulic Horsepower to Predict the Rate of Penetration (Similarity). American Journal of Physics and Application.

Herianto, Topan Paraffin Problem Treating Along The Flowline (Study Case From Wellhead X To The Separator) (Similarity). Sinergi.

Herianto, Topan Pemanfaatan Arang Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Light Weight Additive Semen Pemboran (Similarity). Jurnal Ilmu Kebumian Teknologi Mineral.

Herianto, Topan Petrophysics Study Of Sand Stone Core To The Accuracy Of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (Similarity). Proceedings: Vol II, 18th Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers 2004, Vol 2.

Herianto, Topan Shortcut of Permeability Prediction Rock Typing The Facies Association in Fluvial-Delta Environment (Similarity). International Conference Integrated Petroleum Engineering & Geo Science 2016.

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