Items where Author is "E W Pramudiohadi, E W Pramudiohadi"
D F Yudiantoro, D F Yudiantoro and D R Ratnaningsi, D R Ratnaningsi and E W Pramudiohadi, E W Pramudiohadi and A G B Kurnianto, A G B Kurnianto and DG Alfian, DG Alfian and Arhananta, Arhananta and M Abdurrahman, M Abdurrahman (2018) Overview of the petrophysical and geochemical properties of the Ungaran Quarternary Volcano in relation to geothermal potential. IOP Publishing, Scopus.
D F Yudiantoro, D F Yudiantoro and D R Ratnaningsih, D R Ratnaningsih and E W Pramudiohadi, E W Pramudiohadi and A G B Kurnianto, A G B Kurnianto and DG Alfian, DG Alfian and Arhananta, Arhananta and M Abdurrahman, M Abdurrahman (2018) Overview of the petrophysical and geochemical properties of the Ungaran Quarternary Volcano in relation to geothermal potential. IOP Publishing, Scopus.