Items where Author is "D. Haryanto, D. Haryanto"
M. Nurcholis, M. Nurcholis and D.F. Yudiantoro, D.F. Yudiantoro and D. Haryanto, D. Haryanto and A. Mirzam, A. Mirzam (2017) Heavy Metals Distribution in the Artisanal Gold Mining Area in Wonogiri. Faculty of Geography UGM and The Indonesian Geographers Association.
M. Nurcholis, M. Nurcholis and D.F. Yudiantoro, D.F. Yudiantoro and D. Haryanto, D. Haryanto and A. Mirzam, A. Mirzam (2017) Heavy Metals Distribution in the Artisanal Gold Mining Area in Wonogiri. Faculty of Geography UGM and The Indonesian Geographers Association.
M. Nurcholis, M. Nurcholis and D. Haryanto, D. Haryanto and D.F. Yudiantoro, D.F. Yudiantoro (2017) Potensi Tanah Dan Limbah Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Untuk Pengembangan Sorgum Manis Sebagai Bahan Baku Bioetanol. LPPM UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
M Nurcholis, M Nurcholis and D.F. Yuliantoro, D.F. Yuliantoro and D. Haryanto, D. Haryanto (2016) Studi Lingkungan Tambang Emas Rakyat di Gunung Mas Kabupaten Wonogiri. LPPM UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.