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Skripsi-Waris-Pengembangan-Wilayah-Berbasis-Geowisata.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Download (12MB) |
Daerah penelitian secara administratif terletak di Kecamatan Bakung, Kabupaten Blitar, Provinsi Jawa Timur 619150 mE – 628150 mE dan 9089200 mN –
9080200mN (UTM zona 49s), Letak Geografis: 111 25’ – 112 20’ BT dan 7 57-8 9’51 LS dengan luasan daerah penelitian : ± 81 km2 Geomorfologi terdiri dari satuan Perbukitan Karst (K1), Lembah Karst (K2) dan Dolina (K6), Lembah Struktural (S22), Perbukitan Vulkanik (V1), Pantai (M1)
dan Tebing Terjal (M2). Terakhir yaitu bentuk lahan asal fluvial yang hanya terdiri dati Tubuh Sungai Alluvial (F1). Pola pengaliran yang berkembang di daerah telitian
yaitu antara lain : Subparalel, dan Subdendritik serta Multibasinal Stratigrafi daerah penelitian terdiri dari lima satuan batuan dengan susunan dari tua ke muda yaitu satuan breksi Mandalika (Oligosen akhir – Miosen Awal),
satuan Anggota Tuf Mandalika (Oligosen Akhir – Miosen Awal), satuan batugamping Wonosari (Miosen tengah – Miosen akhir), serta endapan alluvial dan endapan pantai yang berumur Holosen Struktur geologi yang berkembang di daerah telitian yaitu berupa sesar turun Pasiraman dengan nama Left Normal Slip Fault, Sesar mendatar Pasiraman 1 dengan
nama Normal Right Slip Fault, sesar mendatar Pasiraman 2 dengan nama Right Slip Fault, sesar mendatar Wonotirto dengan nama Normal Right Slip Fault, dan kekar
berpasangan berupa Shear Joint. Geowisata pada daerah telitian yaitu adanya air terjun yang terletak di Desa
Lorejo, wisata Goa yang berada di Desa Tumpakkepuh, keterdapatan kenampakan bentuk lahan berupa bukit-bukit Karst yang menjadikan daerah ini mempunyai
pemandangan yang sangat indah dan melampar hampir 5 km2, ini terletak di Desa Tumpakkepuh. Pantai menjadi suatu unsur wisata yang baik serta bentukan pantai
ditutup dengan adanya bukit terjal pada bagian sisi kanan dan kiri yang mempunyai litologi batugamping berlapis menjadikan pantai ini menjadi pantai yang layak untuk
dikujungi, terletak pada Desa Tumpakkepuh dan Desa Tambakrejo. Potensi geologi yang terdapat didaerah telitian dibagi menjadi 2 jenis potensi,
yaitu potensi geologi positif yang berupa tambang batupasir yang terletak di desa Pasiraman, Kecamatan Bakung, dan tambang kaolinit yang terletak pada Desa
Dawungrejo, Kecamatan Wonotirto. Sedangkan potensi geologi negatif di daerah telitian yaitu terdapat potensi gerakan tanah di Kecamatan Wonotirto yang berpotensi melongsorkan jalan yang berada di atasnya
Kata Kunci: Geowisata, Formasi Mandalika, Pengembangan Wilayah, Geomorfologi, Pegunungan selatan Jawa Timur
The study area is administratively located in the district of Hyacinths, Blitar, East Java Province mE 619 150 - 628 150 mE and 9.0892 million -9080200mN mN
(UTM zones 49s), Geographic Location: 111 25 '- 112 20' E and 7 57-8 9'51 LS with an area of research areas: ± 81 km2
Geomorphology Karst Hills consists of units (K1), Valley Karst (K2) and Dolina (K6), Structural Valley (S22), volcanic hills (V1), Beach (M1) and Steep
Cliffs (M2). One final landform fluvial origin composed only dati Body Alluvial River (F1). Drainage pattern that developed in the area carefully situations among other
things: Subparalel, and Subdendritik and Multibasinal
Stratigraphy study area consists of five lithologies with an array of old to
young is a unit breccia Mandalika (Late Oligocene - Early Miocene), the unit of
Members Tuff Mandalika (late Oligocene - Early Miocene), the unit of limestone
Wonosari (Middle Miocene - Late Miocene), and Holocene aged alluvial dan coastal
sediment deposits
Geological structures that develop in the area carefully situations in the form
of normal fault Pasiraman named Left Normal Slip Fault, Fault horizontal
Pasiraman 1 by the name of Normal Right Slip Fault, the fault horizontal Pasiraman
2 under the name Right Slip Fault, the fault horizontal Wonotirto named Normal
Right Slip Fault, and stocky pairs in the form of Joint Shear.
Geotourism in areas carefully situations is a waterfall located in the village
Lorejo, tourist cave in the village Tumpakkeepuh, occurrences appearance of
landforms such as hills Karst which makes this region has a very beautiful view and
melampar nearly 5 km2, is located in the Village Tumpakkepuh. Beach becomes an
element of good tourist as well as the formation of the beach is closed to the steep
hill on the right side and the left that has a layered limestone lithology make this
beach into a decent beach to be visited, lies in the village and village Tumpakkepuh
There are areas of potential geological carefully situations are divided into
two types of potential, namely in the form of positive geological potential sandstone
quarry located in the village Pasiraman, District Hyacinths and kaolinite mines
located in the village Dawungrejo, District Wonotirto. While the potential negative
geological area carefully situations in which there is a potential ground motion in
District Wonotirto potentially erode the overlying
Keyword: Geotourism, Mandalika Formation, Regional Development,
Geomorphology, Mountains South of East Java
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QE Geology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences |
Depositing User: | Eko Yuli |
Date Deposited: | 10 May 2016 02:55 |
Last Modified: | 13 Oct 2022 04:42 |
URI: | |
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