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UD. Karya Kencana merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang
industri peternakan ayam broiler dan rumah pemotongan ayam broiler yang
berlokasi di Pandak, Bantul. UD Karya Kencana masih menggunakan sistem
kandang terbuka membuat biosecurity pemeliharaan sangat rendah. Dalam tiga
periode pemeliharaan terakhir, UD Karya Kencana mengalami tingkat kematian
ayam broiler sebesar 10%, dengan rata-rata index performance 269, menunjukkan
performa buruk. Faktor-faktor seperti kandang terbuka dan lingkungan yang tidak
terkontrol menyebabkan stres pada ayam yang berdampak kepada kematian ayam.
Kematian ayam yang meningkat berdampak pada hasil panen dan pendapatan yang
kurang maksimal. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, perusahaan
membutuhkan peningkatan biosecurity untuk efisiensi pemeliharaan kandang ayam
Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan analisis kelayakan finansial dari desain
kandang ayam broiler yang dimiliki UD Karya Kencana untuk meningkatkan
biosecurity pemeliharaan ayam broiler. Biosecurity yang digunakan berupa
pengontrolan kesehatan dan peningkatan keamanan. Metode Reverse Engineering
memiliki peran yang penting bagi pengembangan dan analisis suatu produk.
Dengan metode Reverse Engineering, analisis detail setiap komponen kandang
dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan fasilitas. Perubahan fasilitas dan tata letak
kandang ayam broiler akan meningkatkan efisiensi manajemen pemeliharaan ayam
broiler, terutama dalam mengatur kondisi mikro lingkungan seperti kecepatan
udara, kelembapan, dan suhu kandang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan desain semi-closed house yang diusulkan
memiliki kapasitas 20.000 ekor ayam dan memerlukan investasi sebesar
Rp485.836.000. Analisis finansial menunjukkan bahwa investasi ini layak dengan
NPV positif sebesar Rp377.982.047, IRR sebesar 57,92% (jauh di atas MARR
19%), dan payback period yang cepat, yakni 5 bulan. Perubahan ini juga
meningkatkan indeks performa ayam broiler menjadi 371, serta memperbaiki
efisiensi dan efektivitas manajemen pemeliharaan. Studi ini merancang ulang
kandang ayam broiler dari open house ke semi-closed house dengan pendekatan
reverse engineering dan analisis finansial. Desain semi-closed house terpilih karena
efisiensi biaya dan peningkatan performa, meningkatkan kontrol lingkungan dan
biosecurity. Investasi ini layak dengan NPV positif, IRR tinggi, dan payback period
cepat. Namun, penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan, seperti perbedaan populasi
ayam sebelum dan sesudah redesign, yang dapat mempengaruhi akurasi
perbandingan hasil. Penelitian di masa depan dapat memperbaiki aspek ini untuk
mendapatkan data yang lebih akurat.
Kata kunci: Peningkatan Biosecurity, Peternakan Ayam Broiler, Rekayasa Balik,
Kandang Semi-Closed House, Kelayakan Finansial.
UD Karya Kencana, a company involved in broiler chicken farming and
operating a slaughterhouse in Pandak, Bantul, currently utilizes an open housing
system. This practice results in low biosecurity, which has contributed to a broiler
chicken mortality rate of 10% over the last three production cycles and a
suboptimal performance index of 269. The open housing system, coupled with an
uncontrolled environment, has led to increased stress in the chickens, ultimately
raising mortality rates. These factors negatively impact harvest yields and,
consequently, reduce the company’s income. To mitigate these challenges, the
company must enhance biosecurity measures to manage its broiler chicken farms
more efficiently.
This study aims to conduct a financial feasibility analysis of redesigning the
broiler chicken coops owned by UD Karya Kencana to improve biosecurity
measures. The proposed biosecurity enhancements involve better health control
and heightened security protocols. The Reverse Engineering method is central to
the development and analysis of the proposed coop design. This method allows for
a detailed examination of each component of the coop, enabling improvements in
facilities and layout. Such changes are expected to enhance the efficiency of broiler
management, particularly in controlling microenvironmental factors such as
airspeed, humidity, and temperature within the coops.
The study’s findings suggest that the proposed semi-closed house design,
which has a capacity of 20,000 chickens, requires an investment of IDR
485,836,000. Financial analysis indicates that this investment is viable, with a
positive Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR 377,982,047, an Internal Rate of Return
(IRR) of 57.92% (significantly above the Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return of
19%), and a short payback period of only 5 months. Additionally, the redesign
improved the broiler performance index to 371, along with enhancing the efficiency
and effectiveness of farm management. This study demonstrates that transitioning
from an open house to a semi-closed house design using a reverse engineering
approach and financial analysis can yield significant cost efficiency and
performance improvements. The semi-closed house design was selected for its
ability to enhance environmental control and biosecurity, making it a worthwhile
investment with a positive NPV, high IRR, and rapid payback period. However, the
study acknowledges certain limitations, particularly the differences in chicken
populations before and after the redesign, which may influence the accuracy of
comparative results. Future research should address these limitations to produce
more precise data.
Keywords: Biosecurity Enhancement, Broiler Chicken Farming, Reverse
Engineering, Semi-Closed Housing, Finansial Feasibility.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biosecurity Enhancement, Broiler Chicken Farming, Reverse Engineering, Semi-Closed Housing, Finansial Feasibility.
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Chemistry
Depositing User: Eko Yuli
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2024 01:43
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 01:43

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