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Sumur-sumur produksi di Tanjung Field saat ini sudah menggunakan
artificial lift dengan 85 % sucker rod pump (SRP). Berdasarkan data Juli 2020-
Januari 2021, terdapat 54 kali well service di Struktur Tanjung, 39 kejadian (72 %)
disebabkan tubing leak dan parted rod, 8 kejadian (15 %) disebabkan low pump
effisiensi dan 7 kejadian (13 %) disebabkan oleh pump stuck. Periode tersebut
sumur TJG-140 mengalami 2 kali perawatan sumur akibat tubing leak. Pertama
pada November 2020 ditemukan tubing bocor pada joint ke-62 dengan lifetime 135
hari, kemudian merubah desain dengan mengganti material tubing dan penambahan
rod guide sebanyak 1 (satu) buah pada setiap rod string. Kedua terjadi pada Januari
2021 ditemukan tubing bocor pada joint ke-110 dengan lifetime 45 hari. Pada
November 2020 design yang terpasang sudah mengganti material tubing dan
penambahan rod guide sebanyak 1 (satu) buah setiap rod string, namun ternyata
design tersebut masih belum efektif dalam meningkatkan lifetime sumur
dikarenakan pemasangan rod guide belum optimal baik dari segi jumlah ataupun
jarak antar rod guide.
Redesign rod guide perlu dilakukan dengan pendekatan konsep neutral
point. Ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan
hasil yang optimum. Pertama menghitung potensi sumur (IPR) dan menghitung
ulang SRP berdasarkan data. Kedua menghitung neutral point rangkaian SRP
sesuai design. Ketiga menentukan koefisien buckling (wear point) dari hasil plot
neutral point sumur SRP vs data real (tubing leak). Keempat menentukan
kedalaman buckling point berdasarkan data neutral point dan koefisien wear point.
Kelima menghitung kebutuhan rod guide yang akan digunakan. Keenam
melakukan pemasangan dan monitoring.
TJG-140 mempunyai Qmax IPR sebesar 479 BFPD. Pada design
diharapkan berproduksi sebesar 439 BFPD atau 92% dari Qmax. Neutral point
berada 667 ft diatas pompa atau 2876,06 ft dari permukaan. Wear point di 3285,6
ft atau sambungan tubing ke 105,3 dari permukaan dan jumlah rod guide sebanyak
26 ea. Pemasangan dilakukan Januari 2021 dan monitoring sampai akhir 2021.
Selama monitoring, terjadi 2 kali perawatan tanggal 25 Juli 2021 akibat scale
menutupi pump intake dengan lifetime 197 hari dan 21 November 2021 akibat pump
stuck dengan lifetime 119 hari. Selama 2021 tidak mengalami perawatan sumur
akibat tubing bocor atau rod parted sehingga meningkatkan lifetime sumur dari 45
hari menjadi 197 hari.
Kata Kunci: optimasi produksi, rod guide, tubing leak, lifetime, sumur TJG-140
Currenthly production wells in Tanjung Field have used artificial lift to
produce oil with 85% artificial lift sucker rod pump. Based on data July 2020 –
January 2021, there are 54 times well service programs in Tanjung Structure. 39
times (72%) due to tubing leak and rod parted, 8 times (15%) due to low pump
efficiency and 7 times (13%) due to pump stuck. During that period TJG-140 well
has 2 times well services due to tubing leak. The first in November 2020 was found
tubing leak at the 62nd joint tubing with a lifetime of 135 days, then carried out by
changing the design by replacing the tubing and adding one rod guide for each rod
string. The second in January 2021 was found tubing leak at 110th joint from surface
with a lifetime of 45 days. In November 2020 the design had replaced the tubing
and added one rod guide for each rod string, but the design is still not effective in
increasing the lifetime of the well because the installation of rod guides is not
optimal both in terms of number and distance between rod guides.
Redesign of the rod guide needs to be done using a neutral point concept
approach. There are several things that must be done first to get optimum results.
First, calculate the well potential (IPR) and recalculate the SRP based on the data.
Second, calculate the neutral point of the SRP string according to the design. Third,
determine the buckling coefficient (wear point) from the neutral point plot of the
SRP well vs real data (tubing leak). Fourth, determine the depth of the buckling
point based on neutral point data and wear point coefficient. Fifth, calculate the
need for the rod guide that will be used. Sixth, carry out installation and monitoring.
The TJG-140 has a Qmax IPR of 479 BFPD. The design is expected to
produce 439 BFPD or 92% of Qmax. The neutral point is 667 ft above the pump or
2876.06 ft from the surface. Wear point at 3285.6 ft or tubing connection number
105.3 from the surface and the number of guide rods is 26 ea. Installation was
carried out in January 2021 and monitoring until the end of 2021. During
monitoring, there were 2 times well services on 25 July 2021 due to scale covering
the intake pump with a lifetime of 197 days and 21 November 2021 due to a pump
stuck with a lifetime of 119 days. During 2021 there will be no well service due to
tubing leak or rod parted thereby increasing the lifetime of the well from 45 days to
197 days.
Keyword: production optimization, rod guide, tubing leak, lifetime, TJG-140
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | production optimization, rod guide, tubing leak, lifetime, TJG-140 well |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences |
Depositing User: | Eko Yuli |
Date Deposited: | 28 Nov 2023 02:15 |
Last Modified: | 28 Nov 2023 02:15 |
URI: | |
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