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Konduktivitas hidraulik (K) merupakan kemampuan suatu media dalam
mengalirkan air yang menunjukkan laju kelulusan air per satuan luas yang dilalui.
Namun nilai konduktivitas hidraulik pada lapangan kerap belum diketahui
sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan analisis secara pemodelan. Tidak jarang, nilai
konduktivitas hidraulik diasumsikan berdasarkan referensi dengan nilai umum,
tanpa memperhatikan bahwa karakteristik intrinsik maupun spasial berbeda pada
setiap lokasi. Salah satu penelitian untuk memprediksi nilai konduktivitas hidraulik
yakni menggunakan HC System. HC System dalam penyelesaian masalah
menggunakan pendekatan geologi dan geoteknik secara empirik. Terdapat
parameter dalam perhitungan HC System yaitu rock quality designation (RQD),
lithology permeability index (LPI), depth index (DI), dan gouge content designation
Penelitian dilakukan di PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals yang berlokasi di di Desa
Balisosang, Kecamatan Malifut, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Provinsi Maluku
Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil data melalui pengujian insitu packer
test dan slug test beserta pengeboran di 4 titik yang tersebar di lokasi penelitian
dengan kedalaman 600 m pada lokasi Pz 06, 425 m pada lokasi Pz 08, 440 m pada
lokasi Pz 05, dan 425 m pada lokasi Pz 07. Lokasi penelitian memiliki karakteristik
media terkekarkan dimana didominasi oleh batuan beku dengan persebaran
distribusi kekar disejumlah lapisan.
Berdasarkan analisis data, rumus empiris pada lokasi penelitian yakni y =
0,3264xHC3,0836 dengan hasil R2 pada validasi sebesar 0,862. Analisis dilakukan
dengan menggunakan 41 data dari 75 data packer test di lapangan. Pengerucutan
data tersebut disebabkan oleh sejumlah anomali pada pengujian perhitungan.
Konduktivitas hidraulik pada lokasi penelitian sangat dipengaruhu oleh adanya
kekar melainkan dari porositas batuan itu sendiri.
Distribusi nilai K pada lokasi penelitian menggunakan rumus yang telah
dihasilkan dan menghasilkan korelasi positif, sehingga rumus tersebut dapat
digunakan pada lokasi penelitian dengan nilai K dan RQD yang tersebar secara
heterogen. Rumus HC System tersebut hanya dapat digunakan di lokasi
underground toguraci ore body shallut. Nilai K yang tersebut digunakan sebagai
dasar untuk melakukan kegiatan dewatering.
Hydraulic conductivity (K) is the ability of a medium to conduct water,
indicating the rate at which water passes per unit area passed. However, the value
of hydraulic conductivity in the field is often unknown so that modelling analysis
cannot be carried out. Often, hydraulic conductivity values are assumed based on
references with common values, without considering that intrinsic and spatial
characteristics are different at each location. One of the studies to predict the value
of hydraulic conductivity is using the HC System. HC System in problem solving
uses geological and geotechnical approaches empirically. There are parameters in
the HC System calculation, namely rock quality designation (RQD), lithology
permeability index (LPI), depth index (DI), and gouge content designation (GCD).
The research was conducted at PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals located in
Balisosang Village, Malifut District, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku
Province. The research was conducted by taking data through insitu packer tests
and slug tests along with drilling at 4 points spread across the research site with a
depth of 600 m at the Pz 06, 425 m at the Pz 08, 440 m at the Pz 05, and 425 m at
the Pz 07. The research location has the characteristics of dilated media which is
dominated by igneous rocks with the distribution of brittle distribution in several
Based on data analysis, the empirical formula at the research location is y =
0,3264xHC30836 with R2 results on validation of 0.862. The analysis was carried out
using 41 data out of 75 packer test data in the field. The reduction in data was due
to a number of anomalies in the test calculations. Hydraulic conductivity at the
study site is strongly influenced by the presence of bridging but from the porosity
of the rock itself.
The distribution of K values at the research site uses a formula that has been
produced and produces a positive correlation so that the formula can be used at
research sites with heterogeneously distributed K and RQD values. The HC System
formula can only be used at the underground toguraci ore body shallut location.
The K value is used as the basis for dewatering activities.
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences |
Depositing User: | Eko Yuli |
Date Deposited: | 25 Sep 2023 08:38 |
Last Modified: | 25 Sep 2023 08:40 |
URI: | http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/id/eprint/37688 |
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