Sclerotinia Maceral Analysis to Predict Facies Condition on Coal of Muara Enim Formation, Marapi Area, Lahat, South Sumatera.

RAHMAD, Basuki and Raharjo, Sugeng and EDIYANTO, Ediyanto and Daryono, Sapto Kis and PUTRA, GERHANA PRASETYA and Simatupang, Irwansyah and Rahman, M. Randi (2020) Sclerotinia Maceral Analysis to Predict Facies Condition on Coal of Muara Enim Formation, Marapi Area, Lahat, South Sumatera. Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS), 1 (1). pp. 656-668.

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Sclerotinia as maceral from Group Inertinite is a mycelia mushroom, containing black melanin in
the form of black cells. The fungus is rich in melanin to form sclerotinia cells. Sclerotinia is oval
or circular consisting of single cells (single sclerotinia) and multiple cells (multiple sclerotinia),
which has high reflectivity (Stach et al., 1982). The purpose of this study was to determine the
condition of the peat swamp facies or changes in the swamp water level in Seam-B coal in the
Marapi area, Lahat, South Sumatra. Changes in the water level of peat swamps in tropical
climates affect the growth system of sclerotinia fungi on the peat surface. This condition can be
seen from the Gelification Index (GI) values between 0.01 - 0.15 and various Tissue Preservation
Index (TPI) between 8.68 - 36.50 (Diessel, 1986). The Seam-B coal facies in the Marapi area of
South Sumatra consist of: limnic, limo-telematic, and marsh, these terms are used to determine
the depositional environment based on the classification of the hydrological regime according to
water level depth (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986). Based on the results of the coal facies study
(Diessel, 1986), there are variations of Seam-B coal facies which are deposited in limnic (wet /
very humid) conditions where the sclerotinia fungus develops colony to form multiple sclerotinia
in sample B (2), while sample B ( 1), B (3) and B (4) are deposited in conditions of marsh facies
(moist soil) to limbo-telematic (relatively dry) so that some of the sclerotinia fungi develop
separately to form a single sclerotinia (in relatively dry conditions) and some live independently
Keywords: GI, TPI, single sclerotinia, multiple sclerotinia

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: GI, TPI, single sclerotinia, multiple sclerotinia
Subjects: Q Science > QE Geology
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2023 02:22
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 02:34

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