Sutarto, Sutarto (2017) Mineralisasi Bijih Timah dan Thorium di Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Provinsi Kep. Bangka-Belitung. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian XII, FTMUPNVY. pp. 142-151. ISSN ISBN 978-602-19765-5-5
11.Mineralisasi bijih timah dan thorium di kabupaten belitung timur.pdf Download (518kB) | Preview |
Pulau./k/itung teflctak di sebe/ah tenggara palau 8angka dan tlmur k(1ta Palembang, merupa/mll sulGh satzl pulau yang ba'lYllk disusun vleh berbagal ripe baCllan granltik. Pulau in; berada poda jalar Bent~mg·Raub yang oleh para aM aiJak;ni $ebogai batos jalur ban,an oran/till tlpe I atoll e/(u;vo/en dengan batuan gran/tik serf magnetit ai Dog/IIR rimur dan bawon granlt/II ripe S alDu seri [/men;! tIS IKIglan Dora!. Dari kenompaluJn megaskopis.dan mlkroskopis di wi/ayah Belitung Timur kemungkilla/l lerdopgc kt:duo Upe bacllon granitlle Di Kohl/paten Bel/tullg Timur terdapat beberapa komoojtas /ooom yang dapat dlmanfaatkon unwlt kepentlngon ;"duw, d;oMoranya unsur thorium (111) don amah (Sn) Y0"9 berosasjas/ denBon ke~m"ooll bat:uoll gronitik dt nrusr terut<rmu tip« S. Dari beberopa pertBamatCIn /(lpangan, pa/inO sedikit t£rdapot dUI) nloCQm prose» g~oJogi y<Jtlg menycbabkan terjodinya minualisasi thorium, yoitu t.IIrkonsentrasl pada bogion atas tubuh batUQ" gran/tilt yang mengalumi pelapukan, seTfQ pado en®pall placer. berasosias! denBon Ullsur tanah jamns (Rf.·E). hod;r sebogoi mineral blJlh monaslt Minerolisasi !imahynng hadir sebago; minero/b'j,h kas;terit, cerbencukjuga kareno proses hidroterma] di do/am lode m09"etil-kositeril·su/fido, scrat:abolmd bedding-porollel veins y01l9 mengandung kl/arsa~kasituiC+sulfido, dan urut·urat wo/framit.kositerit·kuana pada zona greisen don juga ft:rbe/ICuk sebogo; endapon place"yang ccrscbardi sekttar tubuh bowell) gron/tlle. Kato Kana: Mineralisosi, Baruan Cranitik; Thorium, Timoh oneoftlte (.i" islullds occupied by VQriOIiStypes ofsrvnitic rocks. Ge%9/cally, the Islnnd i~situuteU on the Ikntong- Rllub suture, I( is the bOllndary of the l-typ« grallitic rock or magnf?rirB series in the eosl block and the S-type granitic rocks or ilmenit .. series in the west block. BOSf!d on megascapic lind Inlcroscopic analysis, ill the £a.~t Beliwny regiun th~re nre a/so at least has cwo types of granitic rocks, le. /-type S-type. The ';rrst FI~lintnO residence has some mota! commodifies tbat (an be utilized for indusstries plll'/)OSCS Inc/udlng thorium (Th) and tin [Sn] associated with tl,e grallitic rocks above. particularly Svtype. Field ob$ervations inotcote« that there are at least two models oJ Oeo/O(Jical processes thllt couse milterolization or r.nncentrofion of chorium. first ir is concentrot",/ UTI the top pnrc of che weathered rocleygrallitic reck, within some faulted metasedimen; ond as placer cieposits, associated wid! rare earlh elements (REE), present u.<monosite are minem!>. The till element present <1$ cassiterite are minerals, is also developed by hydrolhermal process withi'l ,"Qonetil"""o.~·lterlte·sulphides 10<1e, stratabound bedd/ny-para!lel veins containing quartz·cositeri,~.sulJ.!ltides, wo/fmmite-casiteritequartz veins wlchin greiscn zones os well <ISfonned as" p/acerdeposits scattered orllund tbegranitic rocks boay. Key wortlf: Mlnerrrlizatio1l, GronlCic Rocks Thorium, Tin
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Q Science > QE Geology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences |
Depositing User: | Ir., MT SITI UMIYATUN CHOIRIAH |
Date Deposited: | 15 Mar 2022 08:19 |
Last Modified: | 15 Mar 2022 08:27 |
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