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Dalamrangkaturutsertamengembangkanpemanfaatanbatubara, PT. Sebuku Batubai CoaltelahmelaksanakankegiatandenganmendasarkanIjin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) OperasiProduksi, meliputiwilayahKecamatanPulauLaut Tengah, KabupatenKotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah, untuk merencanakan dimensisettling ponduntuk air limpasan yang berasal dari kegiatan penambangan. Untuk merencanakan dimensi settling pond, terlebih dahulu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap hal-hal yang berpengaruh terhadap settling pond, yaitu curah hujan, air limpasan, daerah tangkapan hujan dan material yang diendapkan. Untuk mencegah keluarnya air bersama material pengotor seperti lumpur dan lainnya, dibutuhkan settling pond untuk mengendapkan material pengotor tersebut sebelum air keluar kembali ke pengaliran umum seperti sungai dan danau. Batasan masalah yang dilakukan hanya terbatas pada masalah pembuatan dimensi settling pond berdasarkan pada dearah tangkapan hujan pada area PIT B2A. Dari hasilperhitungan, didapatkan curah hujan harian sebesar 4,95 mm/jam, jam hujan didapatkan sebesar 3,09 jam/hari,dan debit air tanah sebesar 0,00020 m3/s. Berdasarkanpadapetatopografi yang tersedia, Berdasarkanhasilplotingdaerahtangkapanhujan (DTH) padapetatopografi, daerahpenelitiandaerahtangkapanhujandenganluasPIT B2Adibagimenjaditigabagian. DTH I sebesar 0,95 km2, DTH II 1,04 km2, dan DTH PIT B2A sebesar 1,06 km2. Sebelum pembuatan settling pond dilakukan pembuatan saluran terbuka agar debit air limpasan yang masuk kedalam Pit B2A tidak terlalu besar. Dalam pembuatan saluran terbuka di perlukan perhitungan koefisien limpasan sebagai berikut, untuk DTH I koefisienlimpasansebesar 0,466 sedangkanuntuk DTH II koefisienlimpasansebesar 0,428 danuntuk DTH Pit B2A koefisienlimpasansebesar 0,9. Sehingga settling pondmemiliki 3 buahkompartemen yang masingmasingkompartemenmemilikipanjang6 m, lebar15 m dankedalaman 3 m dengan volume sebesar810 m3.Dengan persentase tersebut maka material yang terlarut dalam air tidak semuanya terendapkan. Padatan yang berhasil diendapkan hanya 76,42 %dari total padatan yang masuk ke kolam. Padatan yang berhasil diendapkan dalam waktu sehari dengan jam hujan per hari adalah satu jam didapatkan sebesar 11,55 m³/hari. In order to participate in and develop the use of coal, PT. BatubaiSebuku Coal has implemented activities by basing Mining Business License (IUP) Production Operations, covers the sub Mediterranean island, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan. The purpose of this study is, to plan dimensions settling pond for water runoff from mining operations. To plan a settling pond dimensions, first made observations on issues that affect the settling pond, ie rainfall, water runoff, rain catchment and the precipitated material. To prevent the escape of water with impurities such as clay materials and other necessary material settling pond to precipitate impurities before the water came back into the public drainage such as rivers and lakes. Extent of the problem is done only limited to manufacturing problems settling pond dimensions based on the strip catch rain B2A PIT area. From the calculation, obtained daily rainfall of 4.95 mm / hour, hour rainfall obtained for 3.09 hours / day, and ground water discharge of 0.00020 m3 / s. Based on topographic maps are available, Based on the plot catchment rainfall (DTH) on a topographic map, the study area with a rain catchment PIT B2A is divided into three sections. DTH I of 0.95 km2, DTH II 1.04 km2, and DTH PIT B2A of 1.06 km2. Before making settling pond conducted by making an open channel flow of water runoff that enters the Pit B2A is not too big. In making an open channel in the runoff coefficient calculations require the following, for DTH I runoff coefficient for 0.466, while for DTH II runoff coefficient for 0.428 and for DTH Pit B2A runoff coefficient of 0.9. Thus settling pond feature 3 compartments, each compartment has a length of 6 m, width 15 m and a depth of 3 m with a volume of 675.5 m3. With the percentage of the material that is dissolved in the water is not all terendapkan. The solids were successfully deposited only 76.42% of the total solids entering the pond. The solids were successfully deposited in a single day with hours of rain per day is an hour earned by 11.55 m³ / day
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences |
Depositing User: | Erny Azyanti |
Date Deposited: | 01 Jun 2016 04:56 |
Last Modified: | 19 Nov 2021 12:10 |
URI: | http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/id/eprint/2789 |
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