Pengaruh Variabel Makro terhadap IHSG di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Ediningsih, Sri Isworo and WA Luhur, Suryo (2010) Pengaruh Variabel Makro terhadap IHSG di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi, 8 (2). pp. 96-105. ISSN 1693-5950

15. Ediningsih, Luhur. 2010. Pengaruh Variabel Makro_lengkap.pdf

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The purpose of this study to investigate: what are money circulation, deposit interest, inflation and exchange rate simultaneously influence to the Jakarta Composite Index, what are money circulation, deposit interest, inflation and exchange rate partially influence to the Jakarta Composite Index and which of money circulation, deposit interest, inflation and exchange rate dominantly influence to the Jakarta Composite Index. This study using Partial Adjustment Models (PAM) as analysis tools. This study founds: money circulation, deposit interest, inflation and exchange rat simultaneously influence to the Jakarta Composite Index, partially money circulation and exchange rate influence significantly to the composite stock index but deposit interest and inflation not significant influence to the Jakarta Composite Index and money circulation dominantly influence to the Jakarta Composite Index. Keywords: money circulation, deposit interest, inflation exchange rate, the Jakarta Composite Index and Partial Adjustment Models.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: money circulation, deposit interest, inflation exchange rate, the Jakarta Composite Index and Partial Adjustment Models
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HG Finance
Divisions: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Management
Depositing User: Dra. M.M Sri Isworo Ediningsih
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2022 07:51
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2022 07:51

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