Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing Stimulation on Sand Stone Formation

Herianto, Topan (2018) Improving Effective Porosity of Rocks with Matrix Acidizing Stimulation on Sand Stone Formation. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. ISSN 2278-0211

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Over time the productivity of wells that produced the lower, where one of the reasons that is the fo
mation damage. Formation
damage that often occurs in the field can be a CaCO3 precipitation, or swelling clays. As in these w
encountered a problem
skin and deposition of debris or deposition of SiO2 around the wellbore due to the formation of the
well is sandstone which
have an impact on the rate of production decline. The need for acidification and evaluation to obtai
n optimum
rate, which in designing a matrix acidizing involves choosing the type of acid and additives, as wel
l as the operating
parameter limits acidification, then we evaluate the success of increasing oil production, subsequen
t to matrix acidizing by
omparing several parameters. The parameters used to evaluate matrix acidizing which can be seen from
the flow rate,
productivity index, flow efficiency, skin, and damage ratio. With the increased flow rate of 22 bopd
of oil initially which
indicated format
ion damage and blockages in the well, after the acidification be approximately 52 bopd, then product
index before acidification bfpd 0.169 / 0.539 psi into bfpd / psi, the decline in value of the origi
nal skin +22 mendaji +6,
flow efficiency becom
es 0.255 0.080 that initially, it can be said matrix acidizing the well is successful.
roduction increase, matrix acidizing, well stimulation

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Civil Engineering and the Environment
Depositing User: Dr. Ir. MT HERIANTO TOPAN
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2019 02:42
Last Modified: 30 May 2024 03:58

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