SOLEHAH, EZHA KURNIASARI WAHYU (2013) EVALUASI TATA LETAK KURSI KULIAH BERDASARKAN ANTROPOMETRI UNTUK MENGURANGI KELELAHAN (Studi Kasus pada Program Studi Teknik Industri UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta). Other thesis, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
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wa yang melihat tampilan output proyektor dapat membentuk sikap tubuh yang alamiah sehingga dapat mengurangi kelelahan. Penentuan jarak kursi paling depan dengan tampilan output proyektor dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dengan antropometri tinggi mata duduk (Tmd) terendah agar mendapatkan posisi kepala yang alamiah. Sudut putar kepala juga diperhitungkan agar ≤30 o . Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi kelelahan. Simulasi yang dilakukan oleh tiap objek simulasi ada empat kali yaitu dua kali untuk kondisi aktual dan dua kali untuk kondisi setelah perbaikan tata letak dengan penempatan objek yang berbeda. Simulasi dilakukan selama 15 menit menggunakan proyektor dengan objek simulasi duduk di kursi terdepan pojok kanan dan kiri oleh mahasiswa dengan Tmd terendah serta kursi paling belakang paling kanan dan kiri oleh mahasiswa dengan Tmd tertinggi begitu juga sebaliknya. Kemudian konsumsi energi dibandingkan antara simulasi kondisi aktual dan setelah perbaikan tata letak kursi. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan konsumsi energi pada simulasi kondisi aktual lebih tinggi daripada simulasi yang dilakukan setelah perbaikan tata letak kursi dengan ratarata selisih konsumsi energi sebesar 0,18 kilokalori/menit. Maka perbaikan tata letak kursi tersebut terbukti dapat mengurangi kelelahan karena konsumsi energinya lebih rendah. Jumlah kursi berubah dari 56 kursi menjadi 41 kursi yang terdiri dari 6 baris. Layout tata letak kursi pun berubah menjadi berdempetan semua tiap barisnya ke dinding kanan dimana mendekati sisi proyektor diletakkan. Kata kunci: ergonomi, kegiatan belajar mengajar, sikap kerja alamiah, simulasi, tata letak kursi, ruang kuliah ABSTRACT The position of ergonomic work needs to be applied in learning and teaching activity in Industrial Engineering (IE) of UPNVY, namely by creating the natural working attitude.One of them is in setting the layout of chair by attenting the position of output projector display. Nowadays, the layout of chair in classroom related to seeing the output projector display is less ergonomic because it results the unnatural such as protruding and craning the head to output projector display which cause the fatigue. The existing problem is the projector in the classroom can not be moved or not portable. Therefore, the setting of seat based on anthrophometry needs to be observed in order to the students of university can form the natural attitude of body. So that it can reduce the fatigue. The distance determination between the front seat and the ouput projector display is done by the students and through anthropometry of the lowest student’s sitting eye height. It aims toget the natural postion of head. The angle swivel head is also calculated to be ≤30 o . It is done to reduce the fatigue. Simulation is done by each simulation object consisting four times, they are twice for actual condition and the twice more for the condition after repairing the layout by placing the different object. The simulation done for 15 minutes uses projector with the object of sitting on the front left and right corner seat by the students through the lowest student’s sitting eye height and the most behind left and right corner seat by the students through the highest and vice versa. Then, the energy consumption is compared between the actual condition simulation and the condition after repairing the layout. The result of simulation shows that the energy consumption on actual simulation condition higher than the condition simulation done after repairing the the layout of seat. The average deviation of energy consumption is 0.18 kilocalorie/minute. Thus, the repair of layout is proven that it can reduce the fatigue because its energy consumption is lower. The number of seats change from 56 seats into 41 seats consisting 6 rows. Besides, the layout of seat also changes every row into narrower to the right wall in which is near to the side of installed projector. Keywords: ergonomy, teaching and learning activity, natural working attitude, simulation, layout of seat, classroom
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Civil Engineering and the Environment |
Depositing User: | Ratna Sufiatin |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2017 02:15 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2017 02:15 |
URI: | |
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